Best Resturant Moment of 2009

December 2 Restaurant moment. Share the best restaurant experience you had this year. Who was there? What made it amazing? What taste stands out in your mind?

The only resturant moment that is standing out in my mind right now would have to be the place we went to right after we got married for our wedding dinner -- The Spot.

It was just a great time.  My new Hubs, family, couple of friends, great food and good laughs.  There's not much else that I could really ask for.  And guess what I had for dinner?! A CORN DOG!  And it was amazing.  So amazing that I even went back for another a few days later. (Yes, I did wear my wedding dress to dinner!)

What is it with me and awkward faces?

2 comments on "Best Resturant Moment of 2009"

Busted Kate wrote: December 2, 2009 at 9:54 PM

That is absolutely classic! Your grandkids will cherish that photo. Love it.

Courtney wrote: December 2, 2009 at 10:22 PM

LOVE it! So much less stressful than the typical reception plus you had food you liked!! lol I don't think I ate Breakfast the morning of my wedding and I don't remember eating after that! :) Priceless moment! Wedding dress+ corndog = awesome!

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