Tattoo Thursday

Welcome to the tenth round of Tattoo Tuesday.  This week it's on a Thursday because I'm lazy.  (To be honest, I completely forgot about this tattoo until about an hour before I started writing this post.  It's in a spot I hardly ever see!)

Get caught up: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth.

Anchor; Location: left hip bone area; Age: 19

Don't mind the awkward skin color.  You can thank poor lighting.  I'm really as white as a ghost, it's rather pathetic, haha!

Well, I like anchors and my father was in the Navy.  So, I got an anchor.  Pretty simple.  I really like it and wish I could show it off more, but I need to tone up a bit in that area.

Do you have a tattoo you'd like to share?  Leave a comment telling me about it!

4 comments on "Tattoo Thursday"

Devri wrote: June 3, 2010 at 7:09 AM

lol love it.. Sorry I don't have any tattoo's but I am sure I do in my other life. :)

Michelle wrote: June 3, 2010 at 7:11 AM

Very nice! I am participating in Tattoo Thursday for the first time today! Whoohoo

Kell wrote: June 3, 2010 at 10:32 AM

I don't have a tattoo, but my dad was in the Navy for 27 years and I blame that for my inexplicable urge to by anchor jewelry and for my love of the color navy blue.

"VQ" wrote: June 3, 2010 at 12:56 PM

hi! I found your blog by just browsing. I love all your tattoos, I have 2 myself, I would have more but I lack the money for them lol. My husband has 7. I can't wait to get more. I love reading you blog. Hope you don't mind that I decided to follow you, looks like me and you have a lot in common. anyway you can email me if you like at

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