Dear Santa

I had to. [via]
So, it seriously doesn't feel like Christmas to me.

We have two decorations in our entire apartment. It's pathetic.

We don't need much for Christmas, but these would be nice.

  • Books. If you know me even a little, then this would be obvious. I have an entire wish list dedicated to books I want.  
  • Money. We need a little bit of green.  We've been trying to save up to go to Texas in January and traveling is damn expensive!  Also, seeing as how we just had to buy a new car battery yesterday [bye bye $145!], we could really use some extra money in our Texas fund.
  • Desk. Seriously. The set-up that Rob has going on right now is not working. Your back aches after like fifteen minutes. [We are actually taking care of this tonight. We're getting this. Thanks Craiglist!]

That's seriously all I can think of.  We aren't asking for much.

So please, Santa, will you bring us these items that we want.

2 comments on "Dear Santa"

Lin wrote: December 20, 2011 at 4:06 PM

Dang girl, you really DONT ask for much. If I were to make a list I think Santa would just laugh his ass off, haha.

Sucks about the car battery but hopefully Santa will put a little extra moola in your stocking this year ;)

Also, I can't believe I wasn't already following your blog. Whata dork.

Honey B. wrote: December 23, 2011 at 3:51 PM

I like your list! Books, money, desk. I need the exact same list, we're stalking the Craigslist up here too!

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